Monday, April 13, 2009

Garden Boxes

These are the boxes that we built. We put them right up against the back of our chain link fence. I did this for a few reasons. 1) it was fairly level 2) it is one less side that I have to fence in 3) the chain link will be great for the peas and cucumbers to climb up.

The 2 farthest ones are already planted. The first is solid onions. It is a variety. Reds, Yellows, and Whites.

The 2nd one is 1/2 beets and 1/2 asparagus. The asparagus won't produce this year, and won't be very much even next year, but they will be established. I hadn't planned on planting asparagus, but it was added in by Dan.

So this leaves me with 6 boxes to plant yet.
1 will be cucumbers
1 will be pumpkins
1 will be peppers
1 will be herbs
1 will be carrots and lettuce
1 will be tomatoes
And that takes care of it all!! I need to sneak some peas in one or two of them as well. I feel like I need a few more boxes!!

The cucumbers and pumpkins are going to be fenced in seperate from the rest in an effort to contain them a bit.

I did pick up some dried blood today to spread along the outside of the fence. It helps to keep the rabbits and deer out. If it doesn't work, we may end up having rabbit stew one night!!!!!

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